I'm in one of those in-between places. I have lots of ideas and plenty of rough drafts. But that's it; they're very rough. Raw. Its almost embarrassing.
I need to do some editing. Rewriting. Thinking.
But I don't have time for that. So I'm giving you some of my favorite quotes. :)
"It taught me to hope as I had scarcely ever allowed myself to hope before." --Mr. Darcy
"I don't wanna go to LA anymore, Get lost on the boulevard at night without your voice to tell me 'I love you. Take a right.' The ten and two is a lonely sight." --John Mayer. I'll give you ten points if you can tell me the meaning of the last line. Oh, and by the way, the name of the song is "In Your Atmosphere."

"My daily goal is to make a difference, no matter how small." --Me.