Please pray for our troops, especially those serving overseas. These men and women sacrifice so much more than just their time. They're someone's best friend, boyfriend, son, and even someone's mother. I love you, Chris.

::Things I love::
- Music
- My friends&&family
- My class [[Peyton, Darla, Ammon && Bridger]]
- Thunderstorms and dancing in the rain
- my car
- iPods
- life
- photography
- reading books
- Hastings
- Going out to eat
- Writing
- Shopping
- Yellow
- Japanese food, culture, cars, etc...
- Shrimp.. mmm...
- Boys, flirting
- John Mayer's music, guitar skillssss, tattoos, face..
- Reading blogs
- Colton's rolls
- Sledding ((on trash bags.))
- Little sister
- Taylor Swift
- Dancing
- Daffodils
- Springtime
- Motorcycles.
- Dr. Pepper
- Mexican Chicken
- Cute Socks
- Clean bedrooms
- Song lyrics
- My wivess
- Love
- Finance
- Editing my photos..((CONTRAST.))
- Being individualistic :)
- rolling down the windows, turning the music UPPP.
- the beach mentality
- tanning
- getting my toes did.
- pretzels from the mall
- watching movies
- organizing stuff
- Hanging out with Michael and Trey
- my bootayyy
- kissing
- surprises
- Cuddling with Ally
- musicals
- bayside=♥
- concerts
- Marines.
- myspace
- bright colors
- accoustic mussic
- stars
- doodling on myself
- tenacity
- quotes
- blogging
- antiques
- mythology
- bass.
- driving fast
- hearts
- skinny lattes. mmmmmm...
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