Sunday, August 9, 2009


I've been trying to find out more about my paternal grandmother, Laura Arlene Burchfield. Her maiden name was Dukeshire. She was born in Los Angeles, California on July 4th, 1939. She had an older sister, Phyllis Caroline, and a younger brother, Alfred Donaldson. Phyllis was a year older and Alfred was three years younger. I've met my Great-Aunt Phyllis several times and she often sends cards or letters. I met Uncle Alfred once, at my grandmother's funeral.

After a few hours of extensive research, I found her birth certificate and those of her brother and sister. It's rather difficult to find any information on genealogy websites without paying for a membership. On, I found reference to Laura and Phyllis in a newspaper called The Mountain Democrat. However, I can't find the article in their archives. It seems to me the article was about a church function. My dad always told me that she was a very religious woman. From what I can tell, Laura spent many of her years in Placerville, California.

Laura was 22 years old when my dad was born. She gave birth to five children: Edward (my dad), Julie, Gary, Craig, and Cindy. My dad and Gary were born in Sacramento, while Julie was born in Monterey.

By the way.. The best times for researching are sundays and the best background music is Augustana's album, All the Stars and Boulevards.

Well, it's well past my bedtime. So I'll continue the quest to know my grandmother another day. :)

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