Day #7
I find it amusing how much people can change. Five years ago, I was the dancer that loved hip-hop music. Now I'm the girl that opposes almost anything mainstream. My taste in music, movies, hobbies and even boys has changed. But, in all honesty, I don't think I've really changed; I think I've found myself, the person I'm supposed to be. Maybe, I've changed for the better.
I like this Caitlin much better.
I used to love romantic comedies. Now I like things with a little more meaning. I want to watch something that teaches a lesson. Like "Charlie Bartlett"; it teaches that there's more to life than popularity. How you use that popularity, for example. Life is about helping others.
And music... That's taken a complete 180. When I was little, I was obsessed with '90s country music, like Winona Judd and Patty Loveless. Then I meandered into teenagedom. I became one of those girls that hung out in the mall and listened to Top 40 songs. And I was completely okay with that because it was all I had known. It was what my friends did.
But then I went to college. I started to think for myself. I dated Jaron and he introduced me to Something Corporate and other punk rock bands. But more than that, he introduced me to a way of life. Something different. And it was exactly what I needed. I was finally realizing who I am supposed to be. I realized that there was more to life than Glen Rose, Arkansas. Just because this was how things always were doesn't mean this is how they're supposed to be. People change. Change is inevitable. When I step outside each morning, I decided who I am and who I want to be and no one can tell me otherwise. I don't want to be anything other than me.
Let's do a tiny recap:
Day #1 - Anything by Taylor Swift
Day #2 - Aerosmith's "I Don't Want To Miss A Thing"
Day #3 - Matchbox 20's "Argue" and "3 AM."
Day #4 - The Beetle's "Eleanor Rigby"
Day #5 - Kate Voelege's "Chicago"
Day #6 - Fall Out Boy's "Our Lawyer Made Us Change the Name of this Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued"
Day #7 ...
SotD:: "Paper Bag" by Anna Nalick.
I love this picture.
It reminds me of my Shaina.
And it has somehow became the theme in my life.