I just saw a cop giving a ticket to a guy parked in a handicapped spot. Of course, he didn't have any tags. People should quit being so lazy and leave the spaces for people who actually need them. Just thought I would put that out there.
Flashback to 2005. It was a year of GREAT music. But, for one girl, it was a year of love...
February 2005. She was an awkward mess of a barely seventeen year old girl. There was once boy that occupied her thoughts. She has known him forever, and loved him even longer. She had high expectations as she walked through the cascade of crete paper. If there was ever magic at a high school dance, it was here. Anticipation and excitement curled in her stomach as she joined her friends. Their friends.
They danced all night, always flirting. He even did a silly chair-dance that was so ridiculus, she still giggles about it. And at the end of the night, with Aerosmith's "I Don't Want To Miss a Thing" blaring through the speakers, they slowly revolved in a small circle. After singing "Lying close to you feeling your heart beating, and I'm wondering what you're dreaming, wondering if it's me you're seeing," he leaned his head down and gently pressed his lips to hers. It was the prefect ending to a great night, and I'll remember in for the rest of my life.
I don't automatically think of that song with I think about great music. When I think of happier times, it's one of the first to pop into my head. When I hear that song, my mind wanders back to that night, an age of innocence, when dreams really did come true...
As happens sometimes a moment settled and hovered and remained for much more than a moment. And sound stopped and movement stopped for much, much more than a moment. And then the moment was gone. --Lucas Scott (One Tree Hill)
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