Tuesday, November 10, 2009


This is gonna be a busy week for me. :]

Tuesday :: Sister Baker's Baby Shower.
Thursday :: Work
Friday :: DANE COOK. :]  and a long-arse drive to Bentonville.
Saturday :: Hay's dance competition.

So. I'm going to need a road mix for the 3 hour drive. I've already got some Audioslave and The Cure set up, but I need something new.

Ooh, did I mention that I found this guy named Jakob Dylan? He's Bob Dylan's grandson, I believe. His voice is incredible.

I'm all in favor of iTune's free song of the week, but seriously? "I love you so much that its driving me stupid"? My 4 year old nephew could write better lyrics than that. Poor girl.

Basically, I need some suggestions for new music. Thanks, Cat.

Isaac feeds me cake at the Bloch boy's birthday bash.

Me, Ben, and Isaac.

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