Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I never realized how much I use lyrics as my facebook status, until Brian showed me an app. It's called 'A year in status.'

And if you think that's bad, check this out...

"Closer" by Ne-Yo

Music's the medicine of the mind. -John A. Logan

"You're So Last Summer" by Taking Back Sunday.

This song is particularly important to me. I heard it on the radio during my first date with a boy. Through the next two years it became sort of a theme song for our relationship. And music truly did keep the demons at bay.

Music's the only thing that makes sense anymore, man. Play it loud enough, it keeps the demons at bay. -Across the Universe.

"I Thought the World Was Round" by Samantha Moore

Music is what life sounds like. -Eric Olson

"Konstantine" By Something Corporate

When words leave off, music begins. -Heinrich Heine

"So Yesterday" -Hilary Duff

Currently, my favorite song is "Traffic Light" by The Ting Tings. Its completely different from anything else I've heard of theirs. Maybe that why I like it. :]

11 days til my birthday.

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