Thursday, January 7, 2010

{There's bathtubs full of glow flies.}

I once read that every night before you go to bed you should complete the following statements: I am thankful for __________. Today I accomplished _________.

So today, I am thankful for my loving family. They are always there for me, no matter what. Today, I walked in the door from a trip to Walmart and my little sister was waiting for me with a hug. It was the best feeling in the world.

Today, I accomplished laundry. I have been letting it pile up for about a week. I had one basket overflowing with dirty clothes and one basket of clothes that needed to be folded. So I took a few hours and knocked it out. I also completely packed up my Christmas stuff, organized my closet and even took some pictures.

I was very productive today.

My birthday is in, like, 10 days. Putting my birthday dinner at 9.
But what to wear??

I tried on a dress I bought about a year ago and it turns out that I've lost weight since then and the stinking thing doesn't fit anymore. I have a few more options. I really don't want to buy a new dress, but I want something no one has seen me in. Hmmm...

On my way home from Walmart, Tyler and I were blasting some Cobra Starship. Our favorite was Hot Mess. : >

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