Monday, April 6, 2009

Little Sister,

If I had one wish for you, little sister, it would be that you live your life with no regrets. I want you to achieve all your goals and dreams. If I could give you some advice, it would be: live with your head in the clouds but keep your feet on the ground. Always think of the possibilities but be weary of the things that could go wrong. Give people the benefit of a doubt, but don't let them push you around. And now some warnings: Not everyone has your best interest at heart. When it comes down to it, do what you think is best, because you know what you want and need better than anyone else. Not every one is as truthful as you are. People will try to manipulate and lie to you. Boys well tell you they love you, but they won't always mean it. Pay attention to what they do, not what they say. Actions speak louder than words. When you make big decisions, make sure its what you really want. Don't limit yourself to one boy.
You'll do things greater than dating the boy on the football team.
Remember, you don't have to do things just because everyone else is doing it. I know at this time in your life, you don't want to stand out. But being weird or different isn't a bad thing. One day, your friends who wanted to fit in will regret those choices, but you won't. You're a strong , beautiful young lady, Hayley Brett, and I love you very much. If theres is one thing I want to leave you with, it's this: People are going to tell you that what you want is impossible, but don't believe them. I know it sounds corny, but you can do anything you want. There will always be people waiting for you to fail. So keep your head up, little sister, and remember what you were BORN to do.
I love you,

1 comment:

Bri said...

Cat, She is one lucky girl to have a big sister like you. You have many things to teach your sis lead her well.