Monday, August 10, 2009

A desk, some letters, and a Christian Science handbook.

For the past few months, I've been searching for a desk. I've looked EVERYWHERE, but I can't find one that I like, within my budget. About 10 or so years ago, we acquired my grandma's sewing machine when she passed away. Its one of those that is built into a desk, and you can fold it up. Its been in my sisters' room for a while and they no longer have room for it. My mom told me that I could have it if I cleaned it out. So that's what I did tonight. I had planned on taking a break from the genealogy thing and just cleaning my room and packing for our mini-vacation.

But no.

I found the usual things you'd find with a sewing machine: needles, thread, material, and patterns.

But I also found some unusual stuff, letters, pictures, pieces of my Uncle Gary's Army uniform, and even a baby brush. I'm trying to read the letters, but they're a bit difficult to make out.

I did find a letter adressed to my great-grandparents, Lawrence and Gladys Dukeshire. It was postmarked on Dec 2 of 1976 from Woodland, California. 13 cent stamp. no lie. At this time, they were living in AR to be closer to their children and grandchildren. Eva and Stewart wrote, "You seem so far away! We think about you often and know you must be very happy there close to Laura & family. We know the feeling as we are glad to be near Marjorie and Marilyn.... No need to tell you the grandchildren are growing up fast because you can see yours growing also!" At the time, my dad was thirteen years old. He really loved seeing all this stuff.

I found a warranty card for a Polariod SX-70 camera. It was really popular, though expensive, in the 1970's. For more info//pictures.

There are a lot of things from the Christian Science Church, including several pages of notes my grandmother wrote.

I also found a picture taken on Jan 13, 1963 of Laura and Ed Burchfield. (That would be my grandparents.) It was my dad's second birthday. Dad says it was in their home in Sacramento. My grandma looks just like my Aunt Julie. And my grandpa, looks just like my Uncle Craig. That's who I thought it looked like at first, until I saw the date on the back.

One Step Closer.

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